Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Javascript in Jump To URL

You know that if you right click on a textbox, select Properties, and then click on the Navigation tab, you can put an URL into the Jump to URL textbox, and when the user clicks on the data in that textbox it will jump to that URL in the same window as the report. But did you know that you can use javascript in there as well?

This allows you to open the link in a new browser window or display a pop up a message box.

I will sometimes use pop up message boxes on the column headers to define what the data definition is. This is the syntax:
="javascript:void alert('This is a test column header alert')"

To open the link in a new window, use syntax similar to this:
="javascript:void'http://servername/reportserver/pages/reportviewer.aspx?%2freportfolder%2fReport+Name&Parameter1=" & Fields!Field1.Value & "&Field2=" & Fields!Field2.Value & "&rs:Command=Render','_blank','resizeable=1,toolbar=0,status=0,menu=0,top=20,left=20,width=740,height=730')"



Anonymous said...

I did exactly the same but I'm getting "Internet explorer cannot download.Unspecified error".

The only difference is that i am trying to jump to a particular webpage by clicking on the link from the report.

Anonymous said...

Its greatly working...