Friday, November 16, 2007

Data based, Row Level Security in Reporting


Last month I promised an article on data based security. Well, after I ignored it for a month, someone asked for it. So here is what I am currently implementing in a project for a client.

I import several transactional systems into a data mart of my own design. It is a star schema, and utilizes 4 fact tables and about 20 dimensions. One of the dimensions handles the primary focus of our reports. Let’s call it Orders. Each individual order is assigned an OrderKey that ties all of the fact tables together.

To implement security, I assign OrderKeys to report user groups. The assignment is based on rules setup thru a front end .NET web application, and can be used to filter orders to users based on any field in the data mart. Then the report SQL checks to make sure that every order is in that security table for the user pulling the report.

The Details

I have setup a data dictionary containing all of the metadata that I need to build a query for the fields. The admin application displays the fields to the admin user, and the admin user selects a field, an operator (=, <, >, <>, Like, etc) and then enters a value.

So for instance, the admin user would select the CostCenter field, select the = operator, and then type in 1234. Stored in the database is the line: CostCenter = 1234.

Once the admin user is done, they select a menu item to “build” the rules. Using the data dictionary, the application builds SQL statements to filter the OrderKeys. The statements look like this:

Insert into Security
Select Distinct a1.*
(Select 1 as ProfileID, f.OrderKey as KeyVal
From factOrderLine f (NOLOCK)
inner join dimProduct d (NOLOCK)
on f.ProductKey = d.ProductKey

Where d.ProductID <> '555666') a1
Inner Join
(Select 1 as ProfileID, f.OrderKey as KeyVal
From factOrderLine f (NOLOCK)
inner join dimMFG d (NOLOCK)
on f.MFGKey = d.MFGKey

Where d.MFGID = 'PG') a2
On a1.KeyVal = a2.KeyVal

Because I am doing inner joins, this acts as an AND clause. So in the above query, I would get all orders that have a product ID not equal to 555666 and everything where the manufacturer ID is PG.

The resultant list is a profile ID, and then order key itself.

I put this into the Security table.

When I code the SQL in the report, I add an EXISTS statement to the WHERE clause:

and OrderKey in (Select OrderKey from Security where ProfileID = @ProfileID)

The @ProfileID parameter is being passed in by the app calling the reports. It is set when the user logs into the web front end.

That in a nutshell is how I do data based row level security.

This is a huge topic, and I have only scratched the surface in this blog. As I work on it some more, and add new features, I will blog them as well.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or suggestions, please email me!


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